Discover The "Active Boost by Healthify"

The Most Advanced Herbal Remedy For Vitality and Fertility Issues In African Men.

Still facing Quick Ejaculation and male performance Dysfunction? Battling with low sperm count? Feeling So weak after having fun with your Woman? Losing Energy and Stamina? Not Getting Satisfied?

This is the most IMPORTANT information you’ll come across this year..

Active Boost Male Fertility Support

Join Over 4 Million Happy Couples World Wide, Who are Free From Infertility.

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

ATTENTION! Over 137,358 Men in 154 countries worldwide have already used This Herbal Remedy to naturally beat infertility in their 30's and late 40's and even 50s!...

This “Enhanced All-New” Variant with advanced formula and new ingredients is inspired & backed by OVER 7 years of feedback and success stories across Africa, helping men by battling issues with sexual dysfunction, boost libido and improve sperm quality. Increasing a man’s chance of impregnating a woman on every cum.

Get the proven natural remedy used by millions of men all over the world to put an end to infertility and gain their confidence back in less than 30 days.

Are You Having Any Of These Problems?

If you’re currently suffering from the above, be rest assured that your sex life will come alive and your motility performance will increase with the judicious use of Male Fertility Support.

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

Infertility Affects Men Differently​

When it comes to infertility in men, you can have 10 men with cases of infertility but experiencing it in different forms and with different causes. This is one of the core reasons why it’s been difficult to get a simple way to tackling male infertility.

Infertility is a global health problem and a socially destabilizing condition for couples carrying several stigmas and a major cause of marital disharmony.

Childlessness is a dreaded outcome of any marriage in the traditional African society and often leads to polygamy and broken marriages.

Infertility isn’t just a woman’s problem. Men can be infertile too. In fact, men and women are equally likely to have fertility problems. Infertility, like any disease, is simply a sign that something is not right inside your body and must be fixed.

Fertility is a natural process in the body, but one that the body can turn off, if it doesn’t feel it can safely sustain a pregnancy.

I have many people who had struggled to conceive and I’ve witnessed how painful it was for them to want to have a child and struggle to get pregnant. Thankfully, in almost every case, they were eventually able to conceive with the help of this 100% Natural Fertility Solution revealed to you right here, right now.

Men are equally a cause of infertility as much as women In this part of the world, the blame of infertility (lack of pregnancy in marriage) is always put on the woman. As you can see in the image above, facts from all angles say otherwise.

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

Only 13 Packs Left In Stock… And Because of the usual Difficulty in Sourcing This Product, Re-Stocking Takes Time . Kindly Get Yours Today!!!


If you’re battling with low self-esteem because of your weak performance, then you MUST take this seriously…! Now find a quiet place, and carefully read everything here from top to bottom, you will see the information that will keep you strong and help you fight and stop infertility without worries.

Why You Need To Buy This Product Now

Not only will it improve your PERFORMANCE, but it will also give healthy sperm to impregnate a woman in ONE CUM while lasting long. The following is a list of the main benefits of doing a good cleanse for fertility:

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

This product is NOT just KNOWN to NAFDAC, it also has International APPROVAL by NAFDAC, HALAL, Aloe Science Council.

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

Why choose Our Fertility Tea?

Infertility And Difficulty In Conception Is A Situation That Needs An Urgent Solution For A Happy Family.

You Need To Act As Fast As Possible!!!

Fortunately, You Can Now Put An End To The Shame And Mocking Caused By Infertility Today – Get The Remedy Today

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

What Our Customers Saying about us

My husband had some issues which made me believe he had a low sperm count. He does not like doctors and would not go get checked out to see if that was the issue. He is a very natural person and would not do or take anything that wasn’t of natural ingredients. I did some research and started reading about Ashwagandha which was the only thing in this tea he’s never drank in a tea before. He drinks it twice a day and we use one tea bag 3 times before throwing it away. Two tea bags left in our first box and we find out I’m 4 weeks pregnant. 😍😍
Mrs Jessica
This product is absolutely awesome! My boyfriend loves it. He had always talked about how there should be men’s products I looked up here one day to purchase my fertility tea! There it was male fertility tea, he was so excited when I showed him and has been drinking it everyday since! Must buy gents and ladies definitely invest in this for your man! Awesome product..
A really Beneficial tea for conceive!! Okay so we have been trying for 1 year and 7 months!!!! I ordered my fourth or fifth packet and i found out that I was pregnant on 22/05/2021...I have been taking this women fertility tea daily and my husband was taking men fertility tea from same order! and suddenly we got this news, I am a proud parent now.... love you teacurry!!
Esther J.
Good product I am using this product since 15 days and I love it so much. Taste and aroma of this fertility tea is very very good. Must buy product. I would definitely recommended this product. Lagos
Mrs vivian

Includes Free Delivery & Pay on Delivery With 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Over 30% Discount – Today Only – Only 22 Pack Left In Stock, Hurry…

Testimonials So Overwhelming - You Have To Try This Today

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1 Pack = N18,000


2 Packs = N25,000


3 Packs = N30,000


6 Packs = N60,000


We Have Just 12 Packs Left In Stock… And Because of the Difficulty in Sourcing This Product, Re-Stocking Takes Time .

Get Yours Now!!!

Free Delivery – Pay on Delivery


Please DO NOT fill the Order form if you are not ready to pay for the Fertility Tea in 1-4 business days that it will take to get to you, or if you may travel, or be too busy to receive the delivery.

We incur a lot of costs to cover the delivery of this product across the Country while still maintaining a reduced price, so to avoid a waste of time and resources, we plead with you to order ONLY if you are ready for this product.

So If you’re READY, Let’s Get You Your Order Now!!!

Fill Out The Order Form To Secure Your Fertility Tea Now

Get the proven natural remedy used by millions of men all over the world to put an end to infertility and low performance in less than 30 days.

Limited Time Offer – 12 Packs Left Now!!!

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